Coil Posi Lock

Our new Inverted Coil Posi Lock utilizes the same, efficient lug and clamp design of the Conventional Posi Lock system but the lock itself is inverted and connected via a 10K/15K BX169 flange at the bottom of the Blowout Preventer (BOP), while the flanged stinger sits on top of the wellhead. Only one inverted lock and one stinger are required to run this system; however, multiple stingers allow for quick and seamless well swaps in pad operations.

The Inverted Coil Posi Lock can be run off the standard hydraulics on a coiled tubing unit or a stand-alone accumulator already used to operate a safety tandem. If required, NXL has designed a control unit specifically for the Inverted Coil Posi Lock with either a touchscreen interface or standard manual valve control.

We’ve also reduced the weight of the Inverted Coil Posi Lock to 1,845 lbs. (down from 3,000 lbs. on each traditional NXL Posi Lock), in order to keep the overall stack weight as light as possible for your operation.

  • Remote operation removes personnel from physically making and breaking wellhead connections
  • <1 minute from open to close